Unlocking Human Capital for Better Investor Returns
“Human Capital” is the effective transfer of experience and insights from one person to another. It’s critically important for founders, particularly first-timers, to rapidly accumulate human capital if they are to achieve the things we investors want to see. Mentoring is one of the main ways we angels try to do this. Yet over 70% of founder/mentor interactions are rated as “worthless” by the founders. And over 75% of mentors participating in some of the world’s best-known accelerators don’t get asked back based on poor scores. Sure, some founders are likely just not open to honest feedback. Nevertheless, that high a failure rate suggests we angels are failing to effectively transfer knowledge and experience to the very people we are expecting to perform at high levels.
What are we doing wrong? How do we get better at mentoring and unlock the full value of the experience lying dormant in our angel groups? In this session we’ll introduce the 4 keys to effective mentoring that you’ve likely never heard before, developed specifically for impact with early-stage founders. We’ll also provide tangible tips and tools you can use to improve your own mentoring effectiveness and help others to improve too.
Speaker: Pat LaPointe, Frontier Angels
Thursday, February 15, 2024