Investing in Bluetech and Ocean-Climate Solutions: Responsible Aquaculture

This UpSwell webinar, the first of a 4-part series, focuses on bluetech investment within environmentally responsible aquaculture, the world’s fastest growing major food production sector.  Aquaculture is predicted to provide two thirds of global food fish consumption by 2030, but will need to overcome sustainability issues inherent to the current “business as usual” to achieve that growth.  Participants will learn about the aquafeed segment (valued at $70 billion and growing), challenges facing this critical food production sector, areas of innovation in both feed ingredients as well as enabling technologies, and key considerations and attributes to look for when analyzing investment opportunities.

UpSwell is a joint program of the New England Aquarium and SeaAhead, Inc, designed to increase investor knowledge and confidence in bluetech, which includes technologies that benefit ocean health.

Speakers:  Luke Sawitsky, Principal, SeaAhead and Matt Thompson, Programs Manager, Aquaculture

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Thursday, December 7, 2023
AgriTech, BioTech, CleanTech / GreenTech, FoodTech, Public Policy