Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligent Investor

Artificial intelligence is fast become the theme of the decade, influencing things as different as how one picks a house and how banks fight fraud  to how investors vet startups. New, socially transformative applications launch daily.  Leading angel investor Ron Weissman provides his expertise on how angels and family offices should think about investing in AI and machine learning, with a focus on investment trends, themes, lessons learned and cautionary advice.  Get the big picture on the evolution of AI, investible trends, how AI is applied to different industry sectors and what this all means for smart seed stage investors. This is a preview of one of the tracks at the 2019 ACA Summit – Industry Analysts Tell All.  Ron’s webinar and Summit program is on AI, while other experts will cover sectors such as digital healthcare and cyber security.  

Speaker:  Ron Weissman, Band of Angels; Marianne Hudson, Angel Capital Association

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Wednesday, February 20, 2019
AI / Machine Learning